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Here at Next Level Dog Training we answer some of your frequently asked questions about puppy training and dog training. Don't forget to contact us with any queries or sign up to one of our puppy classes or in-home training sessions.

  • Why does my puppy chew my shoes?
    There are several reasons that your cute new puppy may be chewing your shoes. Like small children, puppies explore their world by putting things in their mouths, they may also be teething and using your shoes as a teething ring! Your shoes carry your sent and your puppy may find that comforting when left alone. Join our Puppy School 101 classes for more help with your new puppy.
  • Ever wondered why your dog barks at you?
    If your dog barks at you, it's a clear sign of its desire for interaction or something it wants. For instance, if it's dinner time, it might be food. A proven method to curb this behaviour is by not feeding at a fixed time or times in the day. Vary the feeding schedule so your dog doesn't anticipate when dinner is served, leading to a quieter, more contented pet! When we engage with a barking dog, we unintentionally reinforce the barking through our interaction. But don't worry, reducing the barking is as simple as turning and walking away from the dog, ignoring it until it stops. Once the barking ceases, you can resume your interaction with your dog. It's a straightforward process that can yield positive results!
  • Why does my dog lick me?
    When your furry friend showers you with licks, it's usually a sign of affection! But sometimes, this affection can be a bit too much. Here's a trick that can help: gently pull your hands away and turn your body slightly. Once the licking stops, show your love by petting your dog on the head. If the tongue comes out again, repeat the process. With a little persistence and patience, you'll see results in no time!
  • Struggling with a dog that pulls on the leash?
    How to successfully stop a dog from pulling on a leash is easier to answer when seeing the dog and knowing what equipment is being used. Harnesses will facilitate pulling and should only be used on puppies up to 16 weeks old. Many people will put a puppy on a flat collar from 8 weeks old when the puppy is too young to learn not to pull! The puppy never learns how to walk with manners because it has learned to pull when it is too young to figure out that not pulling is more comfortable. By starting our puppy on the harness, we get all the pulling out of the way, and then, at about 16 weeks old, we can successfully introduce the flat collar! Walking with manners can be established very early if trained properly! For help training your puppy, consider a pre-puppy consultation!
  • How do I get my dog to listen?
    In many cases, when a dog won't listen, it is because its name has become polluted! This happens from overuse through unnecessary repetition, being used to reprimand the dog and often used as a recall command. The dog's name should be used to get the dog's attention only and not have mechanical behaviour associated with it, such as recalling. If you are having difficulty getting your dog to be attentive to you, we highly recommend consulting with a qualified dog trainer!
  • How can I stop my dog from jumping up?
    Like all dog behaviour modification, there is no one method to fix a particular problem, and consulting a qualified trainer will ensure that you get the results you need. A method that works successfully to stop unwanted jumping is getting the dog to give a preferred behaviour. When the dog jumps, we mark it with an "Ah Ah." We then get the dog to sit, and when it is compliant, we mark and reward it. This training method is most successful if a verbal conditioner has been installed. Another tactic is to put a leash on the dog and allow it to drag on the ground. When the dog is close, and jumping triggers are present, stand on the leash to prevent the dog from jumping. Keep your foot on the leash, but do not say anything to the dog so it will associate its own actions with the correction.
  • Why is my dog aggressive with other dogs?
    If your dog has had a bad experience and has been set upon by another dog, either as a puppy or as an older dog, this can result in reactivity from your dog. The most common cause of dog aggression is due to lack of early socialisation and training during the "critical developmental period". Prevention is the best cure, achieved by using the correct processes at a very early age. To give your puppy the best support in developing into a great dog, consider consulting with a qualified dog trainer before or as soon as you get your pup!
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